Monday, December 19, 2011

Side Effects/Shots

The main side effect that I've had from the chemo is numbness in my finger and toes.  It happened almost immediately and has been constant.  It is isn't horrible, and I would much rather have that than nausea.  So far I haven't had much nausea.  There were a few times when I thought I be getting a little nauseous, but I just took some of my anti-nausea medicine and was fine. 

Three days after my chemo I am supposed to take a shot of Neupogen, which is a drug to stimulate growth of white blood cells.  I am supposed to take it three days in a row, at about the same time each day.  Yesterday was my first shot.  I knew that I would not be able to do it to myself very well.  I figured I would pass out while trying to put the needle in my skin. That is just the way I am.  I get so freaked out with needles and blood.  :)  Luckily, my husband agreed to give it to me.  I think he was a little nervous, but he did it and he kept asking me how I was afterwards.  He was really sweet.  The main side effect of the Neupogen is bone pain, which they told me to take Aleve and Claritan for.  I did go ahead and take an Aleve, and everything was fine.  One shot down, two to go....

I want to do some baking before Thursday, my next chemo, so that I can take some goodies with me to the VA cancer patients and nurses.  I was thinking Christmas cookies and brownies...sounds good to me.   I hope I get it done.

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