Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm coming home

Since my last update, I did have to get more blood and platelets while in the hospital.  Then on Sunday, I was released!  It was so nice to get out.  My mother-in-law flew in Saturday morning, to be my caregiver when I was released.  She got here just in time.  

Monday, I had an appointment at the clinic.  They went over some of the precautions that I will have to take over the next several months as my body continues to recover.  Most of it is probably common sense; like avoiding crowds and sick people.  Also, I have to avoid food that sits out like at buffets, salad bars, and fast food places.  One thing that I wouldn't have thought about is avoiding people who have had recent live vaccinations.  They explained that the worst ones for me to be around would be the chicken pox and shingle vaccines.  When people are given these vaccines, their bodies shed them for several weeks which is fine for most people.  However, with my low immune system, it could actually give me the chicken pox, which would not be good.

My blood counts were fine on Monday, so I didn't have to get any blood products.  I didn't get my counts checked again until Thursday, and found out today that my counts are good. They are all coming up by themselves.  My platelets are high enough that they can now take out my line.  They are trying to get it scheduled for Monday or Tuesday and then I can go home!!! Yay!!!

I am not sure when they will scan me to make sure the cancer is gone but I will let you know when I know.

Thank you for the prayers. I am going home soon!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Two weeks down

A week ago I received my stem cell transplant. They brought my stem cells in a portable freezer and defrosted them one at a time. Once it was defrosted, they began to infuse them through my IV. Each bag needed to be transfused within 15 min of being defrosted.  The stem cells, or maybe it was the preservative added to them, made the whole room smell and gave me a strong taste in my mouth.  I had heard that it would smell, but luckily it didn't smell bad. My nurse for the day said she thought it smelled like canned sweet corn, so I'll go with that.  It was a sweet smell and a sweet taste.  A few days later when I was walking the halls, I smelled that smell and knew someone else had received their transplant.

Since then, my body has just been trying to recover.  I re-read my last post and thought, "Well that was kind of dramatic." However the truth is I wouldn't have survived out of the hospital. Since my transplant I have received blood again and platelets twice. For the last several days I have been getting neupogen injections to raise my white count.

I'm not sure when, but I developed a rash over my body.  At first I thought it was a reaction to the adhesive, but then thought it was caused by this strong anti-bacterial soap they were putting in my bath water.  However, it could have been a reaction to the chemo or some of the other meds they have me on.  I think it's getting better, but some parts of my skin look worse due to the petechial hemorrageing caused by my low platelet counts.

I also have some mouth sores on my right side.  So, the right side of my mouth and throat are sore.  It makes it more difficult to eat the already not very appetizing food.

The sores and rash should leave as my counts get higher and my body can start healing. Other than the mouth pain, I have been feeling fine.  I'm just ready to get out of here. Hopefully they will let me out by Monday.  It will be nice to go outside again, and to have different food to eat.  Then I will just be one step closer to actually getting to go home and seeing my family again.

My hair began falling out by the handfuls, so today I let them shave it off....Oh will grow back again.

Thank you for your prayers. God is getting me through this!