Monday, February 27, 2012

3rd Cycle Done!

I haven't written in a while...I guess everything kind of becomes a routine and I don't want to bore the people who actually read this. :)  I go to chemo and come home.

Friday was the last chemo of my third cycle.  I have this Friday off and on Monday, the 5th, I am off to LA again.  I will be doing pulmonary testing along with another echo cardiogram, an EKG, a chest x-ray, and a lot of labs.  My coordinator said they would take about 8 tubes for different blood testing that they will do.  I hope I don't pass out. :)  This should take care of all my pre-testing.  The only other thing that I need to do is get an oral exam from a dentist to ensure that my mouth is healthy.  After I pass all these tests I will get approved for the stem cell transplant. 

The closer I get to the transplant, the more anxious I become.  I just want to hurry up and get it over with.  I hope that my body is strong and does well with the chemo and transplant.  I hope that I don't have to stay in UCLA for any longer than I have to.  I need to start thinking of how I am going to handle things when I get home.  I know my Mom is going to stay with me for a while but she can't stay forever...and my husband is most likely going to deploy in June.  I am going to need help with cleaning and get someone to come clean out the cat box for sure.  I am hoping that I won't need any more help than that but I don't know yet. 

On another note, my oncologist said that it is OK for me to get a massage so I am getting one on Friday.  I can hardly wait.  I really need it.  Something is wrong with my left shoulder...maybe a pinched nerve or maybe just a really bad crick in the neck.  It is kind of irritating my port tubing and freaking me out a little bit.

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