Tuesday, February 28, 2012


People should probably not be allowed to google their symptoms when they are feeling nervous about them.  Since Friday afternoon I have had pain in my left shoulder and my port has felt very sensitive.  Yesterday I discovered that I have a low grade fever, which I still have.  And today my hands and arms just don't feel quite right...they feel weak...tingly maybe...kind of hard to explain.  So, I googled my symptoms and it brought up thrombosis, which is a blood clot restricting the flow of blood.  Apparently they are common in people with ports...   I put in a call to the doctor and hopefully they will get back to me soon...I am really trying not to overreact.

Monday, February 27, 2012

3rd Cycle Done!

I haven't written in a while...I guess everything kind of becomes a routine and I don't want to bore the people who actually read this. :)  I go to chemo and come home.

Friday was the last chemo of my third cycle.  I have this Friday off and on Monday, the 5th, I am off to LA again.  I will be doing pulmonary testing along with another echo cardiogram, an EKG, a chest x-ray, and a lot of labs.  My coordinator said they would take about 8 tubes for different blood testing that they will do.  I hope I don't pass out. :)  This should take care of all my pre-testing.  The only other thing that I need to do is get an oral exam from a dentist to ensure that my mouth is healthy.  After I pass all these tests I will get approved for the stem cell transplant. 

The closer I get to the transplant, the more anxious I become.  I just want to hurry up and get it over with.  I hope that my body is strong and does well with the chemo and transplant.  I hope that I don't have to stay in UCLA for any longer than I have to.  I need to start thinking of how I am going to handle things when I get home.  I know my Mom is going to stay with me for a while but she can't stay forever...and my husband is most likely going to deploy in June.  I am going to need help with cleaning and get someone to come clean out the cat box for sure.  I am hoping that I won't need any more help than that but I don't know yet. 

On another note, my oncologist said that it is OK for me to get a massage so I am getting one on Friday.  I can hardly wait.  I really need it.  Something is wrong with my left shoulder...maybe a pinched nerve or maybe just a really bad crick in the neck.  It is kind of irritating my port tubing and freaking me out a little bit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Today I had an appointment to get my very first massage...a sweet Valentine's gift from my husband.  I let them know that I was going through chemo and the massage therapist called to see if she could give me a massage...turns out she will need permission from my oncologist.  I was so bummed out...I had been looking forward to it and definately need it...my shoulders are so tense. 

Being unable to get a massage for some reason brought on a small "Poor me pitty Party".  I had a little cry...luckily not in front of the therapist...then I got mad at myself for crying.  I told myself, "Stop being a crybaby...it's not even a big deal."  I think I may be even more stressed out than I thought.

Friday, February 10, 2012

PET scan update

I went to see my oncologist on Wednesday and he was able to tell me the results, or atleast approximations, of my most recent PET scan.  He said that the smallest spot was no longer there and that the other two, the ones near my lung and heart had shrunk about 30-40%.  I was glad to hear this because I knew that if there hadn't been progress then they would want to switch my chemo drugs and I rather like the ones that I am on now....as much as you can "like" your chemo. The infusion of chemo is quick compared to how long it was the first time with the ABVD.  And my body handles it well, with very few side effects. 

Today I started my 3rd cycle of chemo.  I'm still not sure, but I think I will end up completing 4 cycles. 

I now have two transplant coodinators...one from UCLA and one from my insurance.  I received my packet of information from UCLA yesterday.  I haven't read it word for word...just skimmed, but one thing that I read stuck out.  This is from a copy of the autologous transplant consent form:
     Because of the risks associated the the procedure, the chance of six-month
     survival may be greater without stem cell transplantation.  However, it is hoped that
     the chances for long-term survival will be greater with stem cell transplantation.

I sure hope the long-term is the part that applies to me.  I stumbled on a support group online talking about their experiences with stem cell transplant...and they seemed positive...like it was a cure.